Best Bow Draw for Clearing Tree Tops for Antenna

Bows have long been a staple in hunting, warfare, and in more recent times, recreation and competitive sport. Unlike archers in the old days who have to rely on muscle memory and instinctive aiming to hit a target, modern archers are blessed with a variety of tools to help increase accuracy and produce consistent results. One of these tools is the mechanical sight, which can be affixed to a bow to aid in aiming.

How It Works

A bow sight is a device that utilizes a pin or pins, circle, lens or other markers to help you identify and hit the target. They can be adjusted to different types of bows and the distance being shot, as well as provide archers with a 'reference point' as to how high, low, left or right they should hold the bow arm when releasing the string. When used correctly, a bow sight does wonders for accuracy, so you can zoom into your target faster.

It is important to master the basics of archery to get the most out of a bow sight. For example, your draw hand should be pulled back to a consistent point every time, or there will be a huge variation in the shots, no matter how you adjust the sight. Read our complete guide about the best youth bows.

Types of Bow Sights

Although they vary in design and complexity, there are generally two types of bow sights: the multi-pin and the single pin.

As its name suggests, the multi-pin setup comes with several pins, set at known distances. This can be customised Top 15 Best Compound Bow Sights in 2018according to the archer's needs; for example, 20, 30 or 40 yards away. Most archers typically use anywhere from three to six pins, but these can be added on to or subtracted from, depending on preference. The top is usually for the closest distance, while the bottom is for the furthest. The pins often come in different colours to help the archer tell the different ranges apart easily.

The beauty of a multi-pin bow sight is that it allows archers to customise: so you can use as many or as little pins as you want, at specific distances that you have set. This is great especially for competitive tournaments, the shooting range and hunting.

That is not to say that multi-pins are perfect. Too many pins will cause the sight to become cluttered, which may distract the archer. Also, because the pin as set at ranges such as 20 or 30 yards, you may need to estimate distances in between, such as a 28 yard shot.

The second type of bow sight is the single pin. This is made up of a single pin mounted on the sight at a known distance, say 20 yards – which means that all your shots will be based on this yardage. The pin can still be adjusted to fit your preferred distance, but lacks the convenience of multiple pins for different yardages. Manufacturers often include sight tape that predicts the arrow flight based on 20 and 60 yard sight ins.

The advantage of the single pin is that the shot will be on point every time. As there is only one pin, you are less likely to get distracted. However, it can be challenging for hunting which involves moving prey, since it takes time to readjust the pin.

Another subtype of the single pin is the fixed version – which simply means that it cannot be adjusted and comes preset at a certain distance. This requires a fair amount of estimation.

Given practice, however, both types of single pin sights can make for excellent shots.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to the 'right' bow sight, as it is highly dependent on one's bow, skill and personal preference. It all boils down to choosing the one that works best for you.

Read our latest guide about the best recurve hunting bows.

Adjusting Your Bow Sight Top 15 Best Compound Bow Sights in 2018

Most sights are equipped with a dove tail bracket, with a head that you can slide up and down, or left and right. A simple rule to follow when making adjustments is to 'chase the arrow', or move the sight in the direction of your arrows on the target. The best way to test this is to shoot a group of arrows consistently, to minimize errors from bad form. If your shots are lower than the intended target, move the pin lower in small degrees, before shooting a few arrows again. Repeat this process until you get the bulls eye. Likewise, if your shots are right or left of the intended target (windage., move the sight left or right slightly.

What To Consider Before Buying A Bow Sight

Some types of sights are better suited to certain types of archery, so it is important to determine your focus before making a purchase. A multi-pin sight may be more suitable for tournament shooting, where the target distances are typically known, whereas a single pin may be more useful for hunting. In hunting, archers will also have to consider the type of game and the distance at which they'll be shooting from. For example, hunting deer at close ranges will require a different sight, as opposed to hunting different species at unknown distances.

Another factor to consider is practice, as some sights require more practice than others. Multi-pin sights are not necessarily easier, but they allow archers to shoot accurately at a variety of distances and as such may not need as much time to master; whereas single pin units require more practice and estimation.

Last but not least is your budget. Complicated setups for tournaments can often go into the thousands, but casual archers may want to look at something more affordable on the pocket.


Picture Name Feature Price Rating


Name Feature Price


1. Trophy Ridge React Pro 5 Pin Bow Sight Ultra-bright .019" $$$ 4.8
2. Truglo Range-Rover Pro LED Bow Sight
yardage of up to 100 yards: 2-strap $$$ 4.8
3. Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight
ultra-bright .019 horizontal fiber optic pins $$$ 4.6
4. Apex Gear Covert Pro Green PWR-Dot Sight
Micro-adjustable windage $$$ 4.6
5. IQ Bowsights IQ Pro Archery Sight with Retina Lock Technology
Tool-free setup $$$ 4.5
6. Trophy Ridge React One Pro 1 Pin Bow Sight Accepts 1-5/8 lens size $$$ 4.5
7. TRUGLO Carbon Hybrid Sight
Crbn Hybr 5 Light 19 Blk $$ 4.4
8. Trophy Ridge Pursuit Vertical Pin Bow Sight
019" medium vertical fiber optic pin $$ 4.4
9. Top Point Archery 3 Pin Bow Sight
Material:6061-T6 aluminum $$ 4.2
10. Trophy Ridge Peak 5 Pin Bow Sight
Advanced tool-less micro-click windage $$ 4.2
11. Field Logic IQ Bowsights Ultra Lite Compound Bow Archery Sight
built-in sight level $$ 4.2
12. Trophy Ridge Cypher Bow Sight
Ballistix CoPolymer System $$ 4.1
13. Trophy Ridge Joker Bow Sight
Multiple mounting holes $$ 4.1
14. Junxing Archery Accessories Compound Bow Combo Set
Stabilizer :3.5inches,4.6 ounces $$ 4.0
15. DerBlue Archery Accessory Combo
5 Pin Bow Sight $$ 3.9

1. Trophy Ridge React Pro 5 Pin Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

Trophy Ridge is a prized brand among archers, and their React Pro 5 pin bow sight is a popular option for both Trophy Ridge React Pro 5 Pin Bow Sightcompetitive and casual archers, as well as hunters. Suitable for most compound bows, the five-pin bow sight is a breeze to sight in, thanks to React Technology, which allows for the process to be done with just a few arrows. All you need is to have the first two yardage marks accurately sighted in, and the rest, up to 60 yards, will be calibrated accordingly – saving you the need to manually adjust each pin. The calibration is rarely off, but corrections can be done easily with an advanced tool-less micro-click windage and elevation adjustment mechanism. Alternatively, sight in all five pins using a master adjustment screw.

Performance And Accuracy

The React Pro works well for speed shooting with a minimum of 240 fps, so if you're stalking,  the sight may not be as reliable. It comes with two pin sizes:  the 0.19 and the 0.10. The 0.19 has larger-sized tips compared to the 0.10, so they work well for close ranges. If hunting at longer distances such as at 40 yards or more, however, the larger pins will cover more of the shot placement, which may affect the impact point. Both measurements feature ultra-bright medium fibre optic yardage indicators which can be easily seen no matter the environment.

Using a rheostat light, archers can increase the brightness to suit any condition, while a glow-ring helps to maintain visibility through low and changing light – ideal for night settings. The sight ring is 1.75 inches in diameter. Second and third axis adjustments help to strengthen accuracy at severe angles over longer distances. Choose from four mounting positions to best suit your stance and build. The sights are available for both left and right handed archers, although the left set up will be more costly.


Featuring stainless steel hardware and a solid aluminium assembly, the React Pro is lightweight, fairly sturdy and holds up well to shooting ranges and for casual archery. It is less impressive when used for hunting, as the brackets keeping the fibre optics are weak and easily broken, while the plastic knobs used to unlock and move the sight are poorly made and lightly constructed.


  • Very easy to sight in
  • Available in two pin sizes
  • Rheostat light and glow ring for low light conditions
  • Second and third axis adjustments
  • Four mounting positions
  • Options for left and right handed archers


  • Flimsy build
  • Left handed unit more costly

2. Truglo Range-Rover Pro LED Bow Sight

Ease Of Use
Widely touted as one of the top selling single pin sights on the market, Truglo's Range Rover Pro LED bow sight is Truglo Range-Rover Pro LED Bow Sightsuitable for all skill levels, whether you're a beginner, intermediate or seasoned shooter. As an electronic unit that runs on battery, it is ideal for hunters who want to get rid of conventional, physical pins that tend to block their view.

The adjustable green dot display is suspended on a glass lens within a circular scope housing, which accepts standard 1.87 inch scope lenses. Sighting in is easy and can be done within minutes, thanks to its PWR-DOT technology that creates an illuminated center dot, with over 40 pre-marked yardage tapes.

Despite its budget friendly price, the Truglo comes with a Zero-In adjustment dial for increased control and accuracy, as opposed to regular lever action sliders. It turns smoothly, allowing for precise micro-adjustments on elevation and windage. The Truglo is primarily made for right hand shooting, but a left handed bracket can be purchased separately to cater to left-handed archers.

Performance And Accuracy

The Truglo has a tonne of range on its sight tapes – up to 100 yards – and under the hands of a seasoned hunter, can be deadly from a long distance. With no pins to block your sight, archers will enjoy superior accuracy and an increased field of view.

Choose from 11 brightness settings for the LED dot, fully adjustable to match your desired level. There are no issues using the sight during the day or in normal lighting conditions, but in rain or low-light environments, it can get very dark if you don't turn up the brightness – which may pose a problem for states where it is illegal to hunt with an electronic sight. A glow-in-the-dark shooters ring around the housing, as well as a tool-less design, help to support the aiming process.


Made from CNC-machined aluminium, expect a solid and durable construction on the Truglo, making it ideal for roaming the woods or fields. Those concerned about moisture on the lens need not fret, as the unit comes with a neoprene cover for additional protection.

Even without the cover, the Truglo holds up well in foggy, rainy or snowy conditions, and only gets glare in extreme conditions or at certain angles, but very rarely. Equipped with a CR-2032 battery, it has up to 700 hours of battery life. Also included are quiver mounts and a limited lifetime warranty. The mounting hardware should fit most types of modern pre-tapped risers on the market.


  • Easy to sight in
  • Great yardage of up to 100 yards
  • Solid build
  • Includes neoprene cover
  • Long battery life


  • Not usable in certain states with electronic device laws on hunting

3. Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight

Ease of use

Tired of having to sight in individual pins all the time? Then the Trophy Ridge Fix series sight is for you. The sight is Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sightavailable in three, five or seven pin configurations, but for the purpose of this review, we will be focusing on the five-pin unit. Equipped with 100% tool-less micro adjustments, it comes with an automatic calibration function – so all the archer has to do is calibrate the first pin to 20 yards, the second to 30 yards, and the unit will do the rest for the remaining pins up to 40,50 and 60 yards.

Alternatively, you can perform fine windage and elevation adjustments manually. Everything is done without tools – the windage and elevation are adjusted using thumb screws, while the master adjustment knob spreads the pins. In this case, getting the first two right are imperative as it affects the other pins. The easy sighting in process will give archers the confidence they need to shoot even longer distances. For this to work, however, your bow needs to be able to shoot between 240 to 330 fps. There are four mounting positions to choose from, so pick the one that suits your stance best.

Performance and Accuracy

Expect reliable performance and dependable precision with the Fix. Its second-axis adjustment allows for heightened accuracy over longer distances. Meanwhile, ultra-bright 0.19 horizontal fibre optic pins offer ultimate visibility, and since they are very thin, are less likely to block the archer's view. Four of the pins are green while one is red, and they gather light extremely well. The colours for each could have been different for better differentiation between the ranges, but this is a minor detail. An included adjustable green rheostat light further helps for low-light conditions. The diameter of the ring is pretty large at around 2 inches, which may require archers to switch out their peep.


The Fix is built to be strong and reliable, making it ideal for outdoor excursions. Made from durable copolymer material, it weighs 11 ounces, which is slightly heavier than other sights on the market, but still 25% lighter than models made from aluminium. It has the added benefit of being resistant to rust and corrosion. Soft Touch Ballistix Coating helps to reduce vibration and noise while shooting. The Fix comes with a limited lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects.


  • Easy to sight in
  • Thin pins for better visibility
  • Convenient adjustments for windage and elevation
  • Adjustable rheostat light for low light environments
  • Durable build


  • Heavy
  • Similar pin colours
  • Large ring diameter
  • Works for bows within a certain speed range only

4. Apex Gear Covert Pro Green PWR-Dot Sight

Ease Of Use

Ditch physical pin sights in favour of an electronic version that offers increased focus and clarity, with the Apex Gear Apex Gear Covert Pro Green PWR-Dot SightCovert Pro green PWR-Dot Sight. Ideal for beginners, archery enthusiasts as well as pros, the lens features crosshairs, with an adjustable LED dot at the centre. The initial sighting in process is not as smooth as some other models, especially if you are used to tool-less adjustments. Users have to be gentle when first setting the 20 yard mark with the two set screws, as they feel flimsy and the included hex key that comes with the unit is extremely small. To avoid breakage, screw in all the way to the bottom and gradually apply pressure until it moves.

Other than that, the sight poses no problems, with 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments, as well as a 1.8 inch aperture housing for easy windage and elevation micro-adjustments. The vertical adjustment is smooth, but the lock can be difficult to reach unless the bow is on your lap with the arrow shelf facing up. Meanwhile, GRAVITY-LINE™ rotational adjustment aligns pin movements with gravity, helping with treestand and difficult angled shots. The sight comes with 60 pre-marked yardage tapes with a rear-facing design, so that the tape location is easy to determine for precision shooting.

Performance And Accuracy

There are 11 different brightness settings to adjust the Apex's green LED center dot, providing for superior, long-distance accuracy. In daylight, sighting in without turning the LED on is simple and easy, as it comes with a black cross hair with graduated lines. When hunting in dark conditions, the LED cannot be seen from the outside of the lens if adjusted to the lowest 1,2 or 3 settings, so you don't have to worry about being seen by deer or other game. Since the brightness can be adjusted, there are minimal concerns about the halo effect that often occurs with fibre optics. The Versa Pin functionality lets archers change both the colour and size of the 'pin' to their liking. Owing to the lens, glare might occur at certain angles.


The Apex boasts a reliable construction, but is still relatively lightweight – an important point for hunters out on the field where every ounce counts. The build is also solid with minimal vibrations. With a battery lifespan of over 700 hours, expect the unit to last up to a year. It boasts a black finish and is adjustable for both left and right handed users.


  • Superior performance, especially for long distance
  • 11 brightness modes
  • Micro adjustable windage and elevation settings
  • Pre-marked yardage tapes


  • Glare at certain angles
  • Not tool-less
  • Requires careful handling on initial sighting in

5. IQ Bowsights IQ Pro Archery Sight with Retina Lock Technology

Ease Of Use

If accuracy is what you're looking for, look no further than Field Logic's IQ Pro Bowsight. Available for both right IQ Bowsights IQ Pro Archery Sight with Retina Lock Technologyand left handed archers, it comes in either five or seven pin configurations, with a tool-free setup featuring knobs for micro-adjusting windage and elevation, and additional locking knobs to keep it securely in place.

The model's key feature is its Retina Lock Technology, which features two dots, one green and one black, that have to be centered on top of one another and lined up with a pin. Beginners not used to multitasking may find this frustrating, but with practice the sight can help archers to vastly improve their performance, accuracy and eliminate torque. Individual pins can be positioned to fit the needs of the archer, allowing users to sight specific distances to suit their shooting style. It is recommended to sight in the first 20 yard pin before adjusting the retina lock.
Performance And Accuracy

The IQ Pro's biggest advantage comes from its Retina Lock Technology, which makes it a breeze to shoot from every angle, even difficult ones such as from tree stand or ground blind. Because of the multitasking involved, where archers have to focus on both the pins and the green dot at the top of the sight to make sure they are aligned, the IQ Pro may not be the easiest sight to work with, and can be especially daunting for beginners.  Once you've gotten used to it though, the IQ Pro can help with improving consistency, form and muscle memory, by revealing flaws such as torque and changing anchor points, and allow you to shoot farther than ever before.

The unit comes with adjustable .019 fiber optic stack tight pins, which are bright enough on their own in the daytime, although they are more difficult to see in low light environments. Those hoping to add or remove pins will be disappointed, as the pins are very long and not meant to be removed. To avoid clutter and help you focus, slide the bottom pins down to get a clearer picture. The pins are green except for the center which is red.


Made from aluminium, expect a sturdy and durable build from the IQ Pro. There is an in-built bubble level to help you sight, housed in a two-inch aperture. As it does not run on batteries, the sight is legal to use in all states.


  • Tool-free setup
  • Micro adjustments for windage and elevation
  • Retina lock
  • Precise and accurate
  • Strong build


  • Non-removable fibre optic pins
  • Difficult for beginners to use
  • Hard to see pins in low light conditions

6. Trophy Ridge React-One 1 Pin Bow SightTrophy Ridge React-One 1 Pin Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

Those looking for a highly sophisticated single pin sight will find Trophy Ridge's React One bowsight a good fit for their hunting and target shooting needs. Equipped with the brand's signature React technology, setup and sighting in is extremely easy, as it automatically configures the pin up to an impressive 100 yards after the first 20 and 30 yard indicators are set. A sight level at the bottom interior of the housing makes it even more convenient to sight in, and it comes with yardage tapes. It also comes with second axis adjustment. The sight boasts smooth, tool-less dials for setting windage, elevation and yardage, making them easy to tweak quickly – great for hunting in the field or shooting at the range. However, the sight lacks micro adjustments, so if you are a competitive 3D shooter this may not be the model for you. The sight is suitable for both left and right handed bows.

Performance And Accuracy

The sight works wonders for archers shooting long distances, with users reporting being able to shoot tight groups up to 70 yards. To get the sight to perform to its maximum potential, however, the compound bow you are shooting should have an average of 260 to 340 fps. The sight is available in two pin sizes; namely the .010 pin and .019 pin, the latter of which is slightly larger. A smaller pin covers a smaller area on the target, which is useful for hunters who are aiming for specific parts of an animal while hunting, but there are also users who prefer a larger pin as it is more easily seen.

The pin itself is green and can easily be seen in daylight. It is removable for states where such a setup is illegal. The adjustable rheostat light comes with three settings to help brighten the pin in low light conditions.


Owing to its sturdy aluminium construction, the React One is one of the heavier models on this list, easily adding ten ounces of weight – so archers who prefer a lighter, more mobile setup will have to take this into account. Buildwise, it is very rugged and will hold up against tough hikes or when being transported.


  • React Technology
  • Good for long distance shooting
  • Easy, tool-less adjustments
  • Adjustable rheostat light


  • Bulky, heavy

7. TRUGLO Carbon Hybrid SightTRUGLO Carbon Hybrid Sight

Ease Of Use

It's rare to find a budget-friendly bowsight with decent functionality, but the Truglo delivers with aplomb. Its uncomplicated setup process, which includes second and third axis-adjustability, makes it a great entry-level choice for beginners and casual archers. The sight comes with either standard or micro adjustments, both of which are tool-less, making it convenient to tweak windage and elevation settings.

As the design is ambidextrous, the sight can be used by both right and left handed shooters. The latter can be achieved by reversing the mounting bracket and windage lock. The diameter of the aperture measures 1.9 inches. Sighting in is easy, albeit a little cumbersome as each of the pins will have to be calibrated manually.  The pins are not micro-adjustable, but are able to slide easily in their channels for accurate adjustment.

Performance and Accuracy

Available in .019 pin sizes, the Truglo has a unique pin design, with extra-long fibers to capture maximum brightness. They are very easy to see in daylight. In low light conditions,  utilise the glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring which is powered by a push-button light and comes with three settings. The extra-long bracket increases sight radius, ensuring added accuracy and precision.


Unlike regular aluminium builds, The Truglo's differentiating point is probably its hybrid construction, which is made from combining carbon composites and aluminium using Tru-Fusion Hybrid Technology. This produces an excellent strength-to-weight ratio and increased durability. To reduce vibration during shooting – an important point in hunting as one has to be as silent as possible – there is a Tru-Touch coating. It weighs just 5.1 ounces and will not add too much weight onto your overall setup. There are multiple mounting holes

available, so a quiver can be mounted further forward or backwards.

While most sights come in one colour only, the Truglo lets users choose between Black or Realtree XTra Camo.


  • Affordable
    Decent quality
  • Hybrid construction
  • Sturdy, durable


  • Each pin has to be adjusted manually

8. Trophy Ridge Pursuit Vertical Pin Bow SightTrophy Ridge Pursuit Vertical Pin Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

A decent budget-friendly bowsight, Trophy Ridge's Pursuit series offers plenty of bang for your buck; no pun intended. Despite its affordable price, it has quality comparable to some more expensive models, and functions well as a single pin bow sight. It comes with 2nd and 3rd axis adjustability – something not many bow sights within this price range can boast about having.

Adjusting the Pursuit can be rather inconvenient, however. Although elevation settings can be done quickly, adjusting the windage requires an Allen wrench. There are also no micro-adjustments or calibration marks, which makes it difficult to determine accuracy.  Another downside is that it does not come with sight tape, which is what most users will expect a standard bow sight package to include.

That being said, the slider mechanism for sighting in works smoothly once you've broken them in. The unit can be sighted in for 20,30, 40, 50 yards and above. It is available for both right and left-handed archers, although the left one will set you back a bit more.

Performance and Accuracy

Equipped with a single .019 pin, the sight helps to provide focus and a clearer picture, allowing archers to shoot tighter groups at longer distances. The housing features fiber optic and absorbs light well, so it only has to be in the light for several minutes to achieve a bright glow. In low light conditions, there is an adjustable battery-powered rheostat light, although users will have to remember to switch it off when not in use to conserve power. For those hunting in a state where electronic lights are illegal, the rheostat is easily removable by unscrewing.

Featuring Delrin bushings, the Pursuit is a good choice for bowhunting, as there is no metal-to metal contact and as such, moves pretty quietly. The construction is simple and seems sturdy, with housing and parts made from aluminium.


  • Clear focus
  • Solid construction
  • Quiet operation
  • Adjustable brightness on rheostat
  • Bright pin


  • Adjustments take time
  • Not tool-less, requires Allen wrench

9. Top Point Archery 3 Pin Bow SightTop Point Archery 3 Pin Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

Although not a big name brand, the Top Point's 3 pin bow sight surprises with its excellent quality and build – all at a cheap price. Adjustments are relatively easy but requires the use of an Allen wrench. While not equipped with micro-adjustments, there are scales engraved on all the moving parts and dials, making it easier to perform small, accurate adjustments. There are markings for both elevation and windage settings. The three-pin setup is easy to sight in, allowing archers to sight up to 60 yards. There is also a small bubble level to help the leveling process, although it is small and can be difficult to see. The unit is adjustable for both left and right handed shooters.

One thing to note is that the screws may appear wrongly sized when you first attempt to mount the sight to your bow. This can be due to the craftsmanship, as there have been cases where lacquer gets into the holes when the bow was made.

Performance And Accuracy

For its price, the Top Point holds its own against more expensive models, allowing archers to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy. Because of the time needed to adjust the sight, however, it is more suited to target shooting rather than hunting, and you will have to keep some Allen wrenches handy. It can be used for a hunting setup if you so choose, by detaching the target ring with the bubble level and leaving just the sight pins.

The pins are in green and red for easy differentiation, and come in a .019 size, with 0.029 fibre optic diametre. In the day, they appear bright but owing to the short length, do not work as well in low light conditions.


The Top Point surprises with its durable solid cast aluminium construction, clear right to left markings and good sight picture. The mounting bracket is also made from aluminium. As mentioned, the mounting holes can be rough so they might have to be cleaned out. It is not too heavy at 5.6 ounces. Some users may be deterred by the loose bubble wrap packaging and lack of documents or instructions, but given its low price, the unit still offers a lot of value for money.


  • Affordable
  • Easy to adjust
  • Bubble level included
  • Sold build
  • Lightweight


  • Poor packaging, no instructions
  • Not suitable for low light conditions
  • Not tool-less

10. Trophy Ridge Peak 5 Pin Bow SightTrophy Ridge Peak 5 Pin Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

Keep your eyes on the prize with Trophy Ridge's Peak series, a five pin bow sight that offers unmatched accuracy. Unlike most sights that have horizontal pins, the Peak features exclusive Vertical In-Line Pin technology, which aligns all five pins vertically to provide the most unobstructed view available on a multi-pin sight. Featuring tool-less adjustment, the sight is convenient to use and adjust, with micro-click windage and elevation settings – making it suitable for everything from bowhunting to target practice. The pins are easy to sight in with Allen head screws on the bottom of each pin, at a distance of up to 70 yards. The unit is designed for right-handed shooters, but a left-handed configuration is also available.

Performance and Accuracy

The advantages of having a vertical pin setup are apparent with the Peak. They offer a clear view of the target no matter how you move the pins around, and unlike horizontal pins, are less likely to crowd the right side of your field of view. It works just as well as a single pin bow sight; minus the hassle of having to adjust the yardage while deer hunting. The pins themselves are .019 with medium fibre optic pins that are efficient at light absorption. They are clearly visible in the day. For shooting at dusk or dawn, utilise the adjustable rheostat light and glow in the dark ring. This may not be possible for states where such lights are illegal, however.


The Peak is made from Ballistix CoPolymer, which is 25% lighter than aluminium but just as strong and durable. A special coating is applied to help reduce vibration, while maintaining lightweight strength. The only thing to note would be the build of the rheostat light, which feels rather flimsy. There are plenty of site mounting options available.


  • Unique vertical pin setup
  • Clear site picture
  • No obstructions
  • Easy and tool-less micro-adjustments
  • Convenient to sight in


  • Flimsy rheostat light
  • Poor pin visibility in low light conditions without use of rheostat light and glow in the dark ring

11. Field Logic IQ Bowsights Ultra Lite Compound Bow Archery Sight

Ease Of Use

Increase your range and confidence with Field Logic's Ultra Lite series, an affordable bowsight well catered to your Field Logic IQ Bowsights Ultra Lite Compound Bow Archery Sighthunting and target practice needs. It is essentially a 'lighter' version of the brand's best selling IQ Pro bowsight, but comes with three and five pins instead of the usual five and seven pins. The model is equipped with the brand's signature Retina Lock Technology, which uses two dots centred on top of each other that have to be lined up with a pin. Sighting in takes time as there are no micro adjustments for the pins, but once they're sighted, the pins stay in place. The sight is available for both right and left-handed archers.

Performance And Accuracy

Like the IQ Pro, the Ultra Lite is not the easiest bow sight to get used to; but provided you put in the practice time, it gives an extremely rewarding payoff. Thanks to Retina Lock Technology,the sight also helps to improve on your form, consistency and muscle memory. Even beginners will be advancing to intermediate and beyond in no time. The sight points out where the archer needs to improve, and forces you to center the dot for better shots. For example, if you torque your bow and the anchor point is off by as little as ¼ of an inch, the shot can be off more than 10 inches at 40 yards.  Once you've gotten the hang of it, shooting longer distances with tighter groups becomes easy.

The .019 pins alternate between green and red and include a built-in sight level. They appear clear in day time but perform poorly for low light conditions. The unit does not come with a rheostat light, which needs to be purchased separately.


Engineered with lightweight fibre polymer construction, expect a strong, durable build with the Ultra Lite. At just 5.6 ounces, it is one of the IQ series' lightest bowsights – ideal for those who don't want a heavy sight that drags down their bow. The sight is made to be highly impact resistant, rounded off with a  silent coat finish.


  • Retina Lock technology
  • Lightweight and durable
  • Affordable


  • Requires practice
  • Poor visibility in low light
  • Rheostat light not included

12. Trophy Ridge Cypher Bow SightTrophy Ridge Cypher Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

Another entry by Trophy Ridge, the Cypher bow sight will have you shooting bullseye on your targets in no time. Well suited to the shooting range and the field, it is available in either three or five-pin setups. The sight comes equipped with Zero Pin Gap spacing technology, which promotes extremely precise pin alignment, no matter how powerful your compound bow may be. Sighting in is easy but requires the use of an Allen wrench. However, both windage and elevation settings are tool-less and can be micro-adjusted conveniently with the use of a thumb knob. The sight features a reversible sight mount to fit both left and right handed archers.

Performance and Accuracy

The Cypher allows archers to shoot tighter groups and longer distances with pinpoint accuracy, while a precision-installed bubble level helps archers to properly align their shots.

The sight comes with ultra bright .019 fibre optic pins for easy target location, which work well even in setting sunlight or early dawn. For other low light conditions, archers may utilise the included rheostat light or glow-in-the-dark ring within the 2-inch housing. This might not be possible in states where such features are banned, however.


Designed to reduce weight on your bow, the Cypher sight is made from a new Ballistix Copolymer material that is 25 percent lighter than aluminium, but just as strong. All in all, it weighs just six ounces. It claims to have vibration dampening properties via a soft touch coating, to help reduce noises caused when an arrow is released, but some users have reported not seeing any noticeable effects. The sight comes in either black or camo colours.


  • Zero Pin gap space technology
  • Precision-installed bubble level included
  • Ultra bright pins
  • Tool-less windage and elevation adjustments


  • Vibration reduction not effective
  • No tool-less adjustments for pins

13. Trophy Ridge Joker Bow SightTrophy Ridge Joker Bow Sight

Ease Of Use

Possibly one of the most affordable bow sights on the market, Trophy Ridge's Joker series is a simple, no frills bow sight that gets the job done – proving that you don't need a complicated, expensive setup for shooting targets. A good entry-level bow sight for beginners, it comes in three or four pin setups, which can be adjusted with an Allen wrench. While the unit lacks micro-adjustability, it is still easy to make adjustments to windage and elevation, thanks to laser etched marks. The Joker can be used with left and right-handed compound bows, courtesy of a reversible mount design. The only downside for lefties is the precision installed bubble level, which is non-removable from the sight housing and will end up on top of the bow.

Performance and Accuracy

The Joker's ultra-bright .019 medium horizontal fiber optic pins offer ultimate visibility. It has the added bonus of a rheostat light for dusk, dawn or rainy conditions, although hunting at night is not possible. The light turns on by twisting and immediately illuminates the pins. The glow-in-the-dark green hood accent around the housing helps with quicker sight acquisition.


The Joker has a decent build – just don't expect top notch quality because of its cheap price. The hood and components are plastic and can feel rather flimsy, but the backetry for mounting is made from aluminium and fairly sturdy. There are multiple mounting holes to allow for added customizability, and it should fit most modern compound bows.


  • Affordable
  • Includes rheostat light and glow in the dark accents
  • Bright pins
  • Can be used by left and right handed archers


  • Plastic hood and components
  • No micro adjustability
  • Pin adjustments not tool-less

14. Junxing Archery Accessories Compound Bow Combo SetJunxing Archery Accessories Compound Bow Combo Set

Ease Of Use

A simple, if somewhat generic compound bow sight package, the Junxing Combo has the added benefit of being a combo set that includes an arrow rest, brush, stabiliser, braided bow sling and peep sight. The sight itself houses five pins, adjustable with Allen wrenches, which are also included. There are no tool-less or micro adjustments for windage and elevation, so it is more suited to an archery range rather than on the field, as you will be fiddling with the settings for some time.

Performance and Accuracy

As a casual shooter or beginner's set, the Junxing makes for a reasonable upgrade kit. Zeroing in is easy, as is hitting the target from long distances. The .019 pins appear bright in daylight, but there is also an adjustable rheostat light for low light conditions.


The aluminium material the Junxing is made of seems to be of decent quality, and it is easy to mount onto the bow thanks to multiple mounting options. Weighing just 1 lb, it should not add too much weight to your overall setup.


  • Affordable
  • Comes in a combo package
  • Aluminium build
  • Easy to mount
  • Lightweight


  • No micro adjustable options
  • Not tool-less

15. DerBlue Archery Accessory ComboDerBlue Archery Accessory Combo

Ease Of Use

The DerBlue archery accessory combo comes in a package which includes a bow sight, arrow rest, stabilizer, sling and peep sight – so you don't have to purchase all the components separately. The sight has five pins, as well as windage and elevation adjustments, although there are no micro settings or tool-less adjustment options. This should not pose much problems if you intend to use this solely at the archery range. A sight light and level helps the sighting in process. However, users should note that the sight might not be compatible with all types of bows. It is designed for right handed use.

Performance and Accuracy

Beginner archers should find immediate improvements in their accuracy and grouping, but don't expect too much when sighting in for further distances. The fiber optic diameter on the .019 pins is 0.029, which is bright enough in normal conditions. It has a rheostat light included with the 51mm aperture housing, although there seems to be quality control issues, whereby the light does not turn on.


Despite its affordable price tag, the DerBlue is one of the most value for money archery kits on the market, with decent quality and a strong, if somewhat heavy, aluminium build. Available in black or camo colours, the quality of the mounts, screws and other components are above average as well. There is a bow stabilizer which is effective at dampening vibration on the bow, an arrow rest that holds the arrow safely and securely, and a braided bow sling for convenient transport.  The only downside would be that the combo does not come with any instructions, so users will have to try to figure out how to put everything together on their own.


  • Value for money
  • Decent build
  • Helps improve target accuracy and grouping


  •  No instructions included
  • No micro adjustments
  • Not tool-less
  • Not compatible with all bows


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