A Is a Person Holding an Office Who Runs for That Office Again

Running for Part

NOTE: The information contained hither is intended to provide guidance for those who are preparing to circulate petitions and is non to be used as a substitute for consulting the Election Law for specific petition requirements.

Please refer to the Official Political Agenda for all filing dates.

Additional data may exist obtained past calling the New York State Board of Elections at (518) 474-6220 or your county board of elections.

Of import: REQUIREMENT FOR BALLOT Admission RELATED FILINGS By Post OR OVERNIGHT Commitment SERVICE. Delight read this Filing Requirement document (pdf pdf 134KB) for detailed information.

Pursuant to the preliminary injunction granted by the United States District Courtroom for the Eastern Commune of New York in Schmidt v. Kosinski, the witness requirements for Independent Nominating Petitions have changed. Delight encounter beneath for the new requirements.

Requirements to Hold Role

This table lists the required citizenship, age, residency and statute to hold a statewide office.
President of the United States Built-in a denizen 35 years fourteen years in country United States Constitution Art. Ii § 1
United states Senator Citizen 9 years thirty years Resident of state when elected United States Constitution Art. I §3
NYS Governor/ Lt. Governor
Attorney General
Citizen 30 years Resident of state 5 years immediately preceding election New York Country Constitution Art. IV § 2 and Fine art. 5 § 1
Representative in Congress Citizen vii years 25 years Resident of state when elected U.s. Constitution Fine art. I §two
New York Land Senator
New York Land Assembly
Citizen 18 years Resident of state for v years and resident of commune for 12 months immediately preceding election. (In a redistricting yr, may be a resident of county for 12 months immediately preceding the election.) New York Country Constitution Art. III § 7

Public Officers Law § three

General Information on Petitions

These sample forms were prepared past the State Board of Elections. They are all in Acrobat PDF format. You volition need the Adobe (TM) Acrobat Reader to view and print them.

These forms can be printed and filled out past hand.

Electronic signatures are not adequate.

Note: The information contained here is intended to provide full general guidance for those who are preparing to circulate petitions, and is non to be used as a substitute for consulting the Election Law for specific petition requirements.

Persons wishing to run for elective office may be nominated either by a political political party or through the filing of an independent nominating petition. Party members may also broadcast petitions to create the opportunity to write in the name of an unspecified person for an office in which at that place is no contest for the party endorsement. The current political parties are the Democratic, Republican, Conservative, and Working Families parties. Any person who is not nominated past one of these parties must file an independent nominating petition. The requirements for all petitions are independent in Article vi of the Ballot Constabulary. The provisions for village elections vary slightly, and the reader is directed to Article 15 of the Election Law for specifics.

Running for Role (pdf pdf 287KB)

Party Nominations

Political party nomination of candidates for constituent office is made at either a party conclave or at a primary election.
Political party Vote For Governor in 2018 for 2022 Associates Districts by County (xlsx xlsx 29.6KB)
Party Vote For Governor in 2018 for 2022 Assembly Districts (xlsx xlsx 21.9KB)


A caucus is an open meeting of a boondocks or hamlet's political party at which candidates are nominated for constituent function. Only residents of the boondocks or hamlet who are enrolled members of the party may participate in the caucus. For further information on caucuses encounter, Election Law §6-108 (towns) and §fifteen-108 (villages).

Designating Petitions

If a party nominates its candidates through the primary election procedure, party designations for this main are made on a designating petition. The New York State Election Police force sets forth the form of this petition; § 6-132 (state, county and town offices), § 6-204 and § 15-108 (village elections). Only enrolled members of a political party qualified to vote for an office may sign designating petitions of the party.

Nomination of Not-Party Member

Political parties may nominate a candidate who is not an enrolled member of the political political party. Such parties must file a certificate of authorisation, signed and best-selling by the presiding officer and the secretarial assistant of the meeting at which the authorization is given. A certificate of authorization is non needed for nominations resulting from a caucus or for a candidate for a judicial office. Candidates not enrolled in the party nominating them must file an acceptance.

Contained Nominations

To run for office on a line other than an official party line, one must file an contained nominating petition. The New York State Ballot Police force sets forth the form of this petition; § half dozen-140 (country, canton and town offices), § vi-206 and § xv-108 (village elections). Any registered voter who has non already signed a designating petition, and who is qualified to vote for an function, may sign an independent nominating petition for that office. For Village offices if you participated in a caucus, you cannot sign an independent nominating petition.

Form of Petitions

The statute requires that all petitions be substantially in the course set forth in the law. See New York State Election Law § half dozen-132 (party designating petitions for state, county and town offices), § half-dozen-140 (independent nominating petitions for state, county and town offices), § 6-206 (independent nominating petitions for village offices administered by a County Board of Elections) and § 6-204, § 6-206 and § 15-108 (village petitions). Deviations or slight rearrangements of the form of petition are not fatal defects, provided that the petition contains all of the required information.

Each sheet of the petition must correctly set forth:

  • the date of the election;
  • the name of the candidate and the role or position sought, including commune number, if any;
  • the candidate's residence, and if different, their mailing or post office address;
  • data near the signer: date of signing, voter's residence address, town or city and
  • information relating to the person who witnesses the signatures.

A designating or independent nominating petition may include a commission on vacancies. Failure to provide such a committee, or naming a committee of fewer than three persons, will non invalidate the petition.

An opportunity to ballot petition must include a committee to receive notices. All individuals appointed to serve on such a commission must also file a document of acceptance.

The voter need only sign the advisable line on the petition sheet. All other information may be filled in by someone else. Corrections may exist made to any data on the signature line. However, corrections or alterations in the engagement or signature MUST exist initialed by the person making the correction.

Voters may not sign a petition for more candidates than there are openings for an office. For example, if in that location is one council seat open, then the voter may but sign ane petition for a candidate for that office. If there are 2 seats open, the voter may sign petitions for 2 candidates.

The pages of a petition must be sequentially numbered and deeply fastened.

Witnesses to a Petition

The data required for the witness statement is mandatory. Omissions, errors, or unexplained alterations/corrections, may invalidate the entire page. When the witness signs the statement of witness, they are making an oath that subjects them to the penalties for perjury if whatever of the data preceding their signature is false. The information preceding the signature includes the proper noun and residence of the witness; the number of signatures on the folio; a statement that each person signed in their presence; and the date they are signing the statement. Witness identification information, which follows the witness's signature, may be provided past anyone, at any time before the petition is filed. This information includes the town or metropolis; and the county of the witness's registration.

Witness to Party Designating Petition

A person is eligible exist a witness to a designating petition if the person is:

  • a qualified voter of the state, and
  • enrolled in the same party as the persons qualified to sign the designating petition, and
  • has not previously signed any petition for another candidate for the same role.

Witness to Independent Nominating Petition

A person is eligible be a witness to an contained nominating petition if the person is:

  • a duly qualified voter of the state, and
  • has not previously signed any petition for some other candidate for the same role.
  • Additionally, pursuant to court order, an individual who does not meet the criteria above, but who is (1) a United States citizen who satisfies the requirements to register to vote in New York, but who is not so registered, or (2) a U.s. citizen who would satisfy the requirements to annals to vote in New York if that witness were a New York resident, may sign a argument appended at the bottom of each sheet of signatures witnessed, and will exist subject to the same penalties if information technology contains a fabric false argument. Please come across below for more information.

Requirements For Non-Resident or Non-Registered Contained Nominating Petition Witnesses

Pursuant to the preliminary injunction granted by the United States District Courtroom for the Eastern Commune of New York in Schmidt v. Kosinski, the witness requirements for Independent Nominating Petitions have changed. Please see below for the new requirements.

Court Society Regarding Ballot Access for August 23, 2022 Primary (pdf pdf 114KB)

An individual who is non qualified to act as a witness to signatures on Independent Nominating Petitions under electric current New York law, and who is (1) a Us citizen who satisfies the requirements to register to vote in New York, simply is not registered, or (ii) a United States citizen who would satisfy the requirements to register to vote in New York if that witness were a New York resident, may act as a witness if, the individual signs the argument below and appends it to the bottom of each sheet of signatures witnessed. Signing the statement will subject the signer to the same penalties as a signer of the witness statement if it contains a materially fake statement.

The statement required by the injunction shall exist essentially as follows and shall be appended to the bottom of each sheet of signatures witnessed:


I,______________ (name of witness) country: I am a denizen of the U.s. of America who is duly qualified to register to vote in the State of New York but non so registered, or who would exist duly qualified to register to vote in the Country of New York if I were a New York resident, and I consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of New York in resolving any disputes concerning the witnessing of petition signatures. I further consent to service of the amendment on a person of suitable age and discretion at the following New York accost, which may be considered my bodily identify of business for this purpose.

Address: ______________________

Each of the individuals whose names are subscribed to this petition sheet containing _____ (fill in number) signatures, subscribed the same in my presence on the dates above indicated and identified himself or herself to exist the individual who signed this sheet. I understand that this statement volition exist accepted for all purposes equally the equivalent of an affidavit and, if it contains a materially fake statement, shall bailiwick me to the same penalties as if I had been duly sworn.

Date: ___________________ Signature of Witness: ____________________

The New York State Board of Elections or a local board of elections under its management (meaning, the New York City Board of Elections, a board of elections of whatever county outside of New York City, or the clerk of any village) (collectively, a "Local Board"), as the case may be, may treat every bit invalid any signatures on a Nominating Petition that are witnessed by an individual who is not otherwise qualified nether current New York law and who fails to complete and sign such a statement.

If an individual who has signed such a argument is properly served with a amendment to provide bear witness in an activity regarding the witnessing of petition signatures and fails to announced or produce documents equally provided for in the subpoena, and upon sufficient proof of the same, all signatures purportedly witnessed by that private shall be deemed invalid. Upon presentation of such a finding past a courtroom of this state, the New York State Lath of Elections shall remove, or deem removed, any signatures purportedly witnessed by such an individual from a filed Nominating Petition, or shall straight the Local Board to do so.

Comprehend Sheets

If there are 10 or more pages in a petition, in that location must exist a encompass sheet. In New York Urban center, and in other counties where identification numbers are used, merely ane cover canvass is required, regardless of the number of volumes in the petition. In all other instances, a multi-volume petition requires a encompass canvas for each volume.

Comprehend sheets must incorporate the following information:

  • Proper noun, residence address, and mailing address if unlike, of the candidate.
  • The public function or party position sought, including district number, if whatever.
  • The name of the political party or contained body making the nomination.
  • A statement that the petition contains a number of signatures equal to or in excess of the number required by statute.
  • The volume number OR identification number of that volume.
  • The total number of volumes in each petition OR the identification number for each book of the petition.

The following data is optional:

  • The proper name, residence address, (and mailing accost if different) telephone number, fax number and email address of the person designated to receive find of deficiencies in binding or embrace sail requirements.
  • For candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney Full general, State Comptroller, Member of State Assembly or Member of State Senate: such candidates may notify the State Board of Elections of her or his entrada website accost on the encompass folio of the petition or in a dissever piece of correspondence. The Country Board will publish such addresses on its website prior to the election. Come across New York State Election Law § 4-123.

There are additional requirements if the petition contains candidates for canton committee, and if there are different candidates on the several pages of the petition. Those requirements are contained in Part 6215 of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Elections.

Pursuant to Part 6215 of the rules and regulations of the State Lath of Elections, the Lath volition provide notice of whatever correctable errors in cover sheet(south) and binding.

Filing of Petitions, Acceptances, Authorizations, Declinations and Substitutions

All filings must be filed timely and filed in the proper way at the appropriate lath of elections. Pursuant to section one-106(1) of the New York State Election Police force, all papers are required to exist filed betwixt the hours of nine A.M. and five P.M. If the last twenty-four hour period for filing shall fall on a Saturday, Sunday or legal vacation, the next business twenty-four hours shall become the last day for filing.

Except where otherwise required to be "received by" a appointment sure, all certificates and petitions of designation or nomination, certificates of acceptance or declination of such designations or nominations, certificates of authorization for such designations or nominations, certificates of disqualification, certificates of commutation for such designations or nominations and objections and specifications of objections to such certificates and petitions required to be filed with the Land Board of Elections or a board of elections outside of the Urban center of New York shall be accounted timely filed and accepted for filing if sent by mail or overnight delivery service, in an envelope postmarked or showing receipt by the overnight commitment service prior to midnight of the last mean solar day of filing, and received no later than 2 business days after the last solar day to file such petitions, certificates, objections or specifications shall be a fatal defect. See New York Land Election Law § 1-106.

Within NYC: all such certificates, petitions and specifications of objections required to be filed with the Lath of Elections of the City of New York must be actually received on or earlier the terminal day to file. The New York City Board of Elections is open up for the receipt of such petitions, certificates and objections until midnight on the last day to file.

Failure to timely file documents shall be a fatal defect.

No filings will be accepted by facsimile or e-postal service.

Candidates must file a certificate of acceptance for nominations fabricated by independent nominating petitions, or if they are named in a designating petition simply are not enrolled members of that party. Neither an potency nor an acceptance is required if the individual is a candidate for a judicial office. All individuals appointed to a Committee to Receive Notices on an Opportunity to Ballot petition must also file a certificate of acceptance.

Declinations and Substitutions

A declination must be filed should the candidate decide not to accept the designation or nomination. A document of declination of a designation shall exist filed non subsequently than the quaternary day after the last day to file such designation. A certificate to make full a vacancy (substitution) in a designation caused by declination shall be filed not later than the fourth day subsequently the last day to reject. Meet Election Law § 6-148 for more information on filling vacancies in a designation or nomination.


Every petition is presumed to be valid when filed, if, on its face, it appears to be in proper form and to comprise enough signatures. However, a registered voter may challenge the validity of a petition. Written objections must be filed within three days later the petition is filed (one day in a village election). Specifications of objections must be filed within half dozen days of filing the general objections (2 days in a village election). For petitions filed with the State Board of Elections, objectors must deliver a copy of the specifications of objections to the candidate and file proof of such delivery with the State Lath. For farther details come across Election Law § 6-154 and §fifteen-108 and Part 6204 of the rules and regulations of the State Lath of Elections.

Running for President

Independent Candidates

An independent candidate for president is someone who is running on a line other than an official political party line. Petitions for contained candidates must include the names of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, too every bit the names of person(s) running for the electoral college. Each state is permitted to have 1 elector for each representative in Congress (27 U.Southward. Business firm of Representatives and 2 U.S. Senators).

The requirement for signatures for an independent nominating petition for candidates to exist voted for past all of the voters of the state must contain 45,000 signatures or i percent of the total number of votes, excluding bare and void ballots, cast for the office of Governor at the terminal gubernatorial election, whichever is less, with at least 500 signatures or one percent of enrolled voters, whichever is less, coming from each of one-half of the congressional districts in the state. Run into Constructive Jan 1, 2020, Part V Recommendations of Public Financing Commission. Each candidate named in an independent petition for president is required to file an acknowledged acceptance of the nomination no subsequently than the third day after the last day to file the petition. {Election Police §6-146(1)}

If there are 10 or more pages in a petition, there must exist a embrace sheet. A multi-book petition requires a comprehend sheet for each book. Cover sheets must contain the following data:

  • Name, address, and mailing accost if different, of candidates
  • Office sought
  • Proper name and keepsake of the independent body making the nomination
  • A statement that the petition contains a number of signatures equal to or in excess of the number required by statute.
  • The volume number of that volume
  • The total number of volumes in the petition

Additional information on cover sheets is contained in Role 6215 of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Elections.

Write-In Candidates

To run every bit a write-in candidate for president, you are required to file a document of candidacy (pdf pdf 361KB) with the State Board of Elections no later than the third Tuesday prior to the full general election. The document must exist signed by the presidential candidate and must incorporate the following information:

  • Name and address of presidential candidate
  • Name and address of any vice-presidential candidate, and a signed document of acceptance from such candidate
  • Proper noun and address of at least one elector, with an acceptance certificate and pledge of back up signed by each such candidate for elector.

Come across Election Law §6-153 for farther information.

Where to File Petitions


Statewide Offices

  • Governor/Lt. Governeror — State Lath of Elections
  • Comptroller — State Lath of Elections
  • Chaser General — State Board of Elections
  • United States Senator — State Board of Elections

Congressional Districts

  • one through 3 — Country Board of Elections
  • 4 — Nassau County Board of Elections
  • v — State Lath of Elections
  • 6 through 15 — New York Metropolis Board of Elections
  • xvi through 26 — State Board of Elections

Senate Districts

  • 1 through 3 — Suffolk County Lath of Elections
  • 4 — Land Lath of Elections
  • v — Suffolk County Board of Elections
  • 6 through 9 — Nassau County Board of Elections
  • 10 — Country Board of Elections
  • eleven through 35 — New York Urban center Board of Elections
  • 36 — Land Board of Elections
  • 37 — Westchester Canton Board of Elections
  • 38 — State Lath of Elections
  • 39 — Westchester County Board of Elections
  • 40 through 55 — State Board of Elections
  • 56 and 57 — Monroe Canton Lath of Elections
  • 58 through 60 — State Lath of Elections
  • 61 — Erie Canton Lath of Elections
  • 62 — State Board of Elections
  • 63 — Erie County Board of Elections

Assembly Districts

  • 1 through 8 — Suffolk County Board of Elections
  • 9 through eleven — State Board of Elections
  • 12 — Suffolk Canton Lath of Elections
  • 13 through 22 — Nassau County Board of Elections
  • 23 through 87 — New York Urban center Lath of Elections
  • 88 through 93 — Westchester County Lath of Elections
  • 94 and 95 — State Board of Elections
  • 96 and 97 — Rockland County Board of Elections
  • 98 through 104 — Land Lath of Elections
  • 105 — Dutchess County Lath of Elections
  • 106 through 108 — State Board of Elections
  • 109 — Albany Canton Lath of Elections
  • 110 through 118 — State Lath of Elections
  • 119 — Oneida Canton Board of Elections
  • 120 through 122 — State Lath of Elections
  • 123 — Broome County Board of Elections
  • 124 through 127 — State Board of Elections
  • 128 and 129 — Onondaga County Board of Elections
  • 130 through 133 — State Board of Elections
  • 134 through 138 — Monroe County Borad of Elections
  • 139 and 140 — State Board of Elections
  • 141 through 143 — Erie County Lath of Elections
  • 144 and 145 — State Board of Elections
  • 146 — Erie County Lath of Elections
  • 147 and 148 — State Board of Elections
  • 149 — Erie County Board of Elections
  • 150 — Country Lath of Elections


Member of Country Committee

  • Autonomous and REPUBLICAN Party State Commission petitions are filed with the county boards of elections.
  • CONSERVATIVE and WORKING FAMILIES Party State Committee petitions are filed in the same manner as those for the part of Representative in Congress (see chart for CONGRESSIONAL).

Republican State Commission elections are held at the principal in odd numbered years. All other parties elect land committee at the primary in even numbered years.

To run for whatever party position such as member of country commission, national or judicial consul or alternate, y'all must exist a duly enrolled member of the party from which you are seeking the designation. You lot also must exist a resident of the jurisdiction from which you are running.

The office of judicial delegate and alternate judicial consul are elected at the primary. (National consul and alternate national delegate are elected at a specially scheduled primary, held in a presidential election year).

Judicial District Convention Delegate and/or Alternating Consul

  • Beginning JD (New York County)
  • 2d JD (Kings County)
  • ELEVENTH JD (Queens County)
  • Twelfth JD (Bronx Canton)
  • THIRTEENTH JD (Richmond County)

    All petitions and nominations for these judicial commune delegates and alternate delegates are filed at the New York City Board of Elections

    NOTE: The following chart for Judicial Delegates and Alternate Delegates applies ONLY to Autonomous, Conservative, and Working Families Political party candidates.

    Republican Political party candidates for this office file their petitions in the county which contains their portion of the assembly district.

Tertiary JD Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Sullivan & Ulster Counties

  • 100 Ad — Sullivan County Lath of Elections
  • 101 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 102 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 103 Advertizing — Ulster County Board of Elections
  • 104 Advertising — Ulster Canton Board of Elections
  • 106 Advertizing — Columbia County Board of Elections
  • 107 Ad — State Board of Elections
  • 108 Ad — State Board of Elections
  • 109 Advertizing — Albany County Board of Elections
  • 110 AD — Albany County Lath of Elections
  • 121 AD — Sullivan County Board of Elections

Fourth JD Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren & Washington Counties

  • 107 AD — Washington County Board of Elections
  • 108 Advertizement — Saratoga County Board of Elections
  • 110 Advertizing — Schenectady County Lath of Elections
  • 111 AD — Country Lath of Elections
  • 112 AD — Land Lath of Elections
  • 113 Advert — State Board of Elections
  • 114 Advertizing — State Board of Elections
  • 115 Advert — State Lath of Elections
  • 116 AD — St. Lawrence County Board of Elections
  • 117 AD — St. Lawrence County Lath of Elections
  • 118 AD — State Board of Elections

FIFTH JD Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, Onondaga & Oswego Counties

  • 116 AD — Jefferson County Lath of Elections
  • 117 AD — Country Lath of Elections
  • 118 AD — Country Board of Elections
  • 119 Advert — Oneida Canton Lath of Elections
  • 120 AD — Land Lath of Elections
  • 122 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 126 Advert — Onondaga County Board of Elections
  • 127 Advertizing — Onondaga County Board of Elections
  • 128 AD — Onondaga Canton Board of Elections
  • 129 AD — Onondaga County Lath of Elections

Sixth JD Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Madison, Otsego, Schuyler, Tioga & Tompkins Counties

  • 101 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 102 AD — Land Board of Elections
  • 121 Advert — State Board of Elections
  • 122 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 123 Advertising — Broome Canton Board of Elections
  • 124 AD — State Lath of Elections
  • 125 Ad — Land Lath of Elections
  • 127 Advert — Madison County Board of Elections
  • 131 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 132 AD — Land Lath of Elections

Seventh JD Cayuga, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne & Yates Counties

  • 120 Ad — Cayuga County Lath of Elections
  • 126 AD — Cayuga County Lath of Elections
  • 130 AD — State Lath of Elections
  • 131 Advertizing — Land Board of Elections
  • 132 Advert — State Board of Elections
  • 133 Advertizing — State Board of Elections
  • 134 AD through 139 Ad — Monroe County Board of Elections
  • 148 Advert — Steuben County Board of Elections

Eighth JD Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans & Wyoming Counties

  • 133 Advertizement — Wyoming County Board of Elections
  • 139 AD — Country Board of Elections
  • 140 Advertizement — State Board of Elections
  • 141 Advertisement through 143 Advertizing — Erie County Lath of Elections
  • 144 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 145 AD — Country Board of Elections
  • 146 AD — Erie County Board of Elections
  • 147 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 148 Advert — State Board of Elections
  • 149 AD — Erie County Lath of Elections
  • 150 AD — State Lath of Elections

NINTH JD Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Westchester Counties

  • 88 Advertizing through 93 AD — Westchester County Lath of Elections
  • 94 Ad — State Board of Elections
  • 95 Advertising — State Lath of Elections
  • 96 and 97 Advert — Rockland County Board of Elections
  • 98 AD — State Lath of Elections
  • 99 Advertizement — Land Board of Elections
  • 100 and 101 Advertisement — Orangish Canton Board of Elections
  • 103 AD — Dutchess County Board of Elections
  • 104 AD — State Board of Elections
  • 105 and 106 AD — Dutchess County Board of Elections

TENTH JD Nassau & Suffolk Counties

  • 1 Advertising through eight Advert — Suffolk Canton Board of Elections
  • nine AD through 11 AD — State Lath of Elections
  • 12 Advertising — Suffolk County Lath of Elections
  • thirteen through 22 Ad — Nassau County Board of Elections

Pertinent Rules & Regulations of the NY Land Board of Elections

Title ix, Subtitle 5, NYCRR

§ 6201.2 Employ of Public Stance Polls

No candidate, political party or committee shall attempt to promote the success or defeat of a candidate by directly or indirectly disclosing or causing to be disclosed the results of a poll relating to a candidate for such an office or position, unless within 48 hours afterward such disclosure, they provide the following information concerning the poll to the board or officer with whom statements or copies of statements of campaign receipts and expenditures are required to be filed by the candidate to whom such poll relates:

  1. The proper noun of the person, party or system that contracted for or who commissioned the poll and/or paid for it.
  2. The name and accost of the organization that conducted the poll.
  3. The numerical size of the total poll sample, the geographic surface area covered past the poll and whatever special characteristics of the population included in the poll sample.
  4. The exact wording of the questions asked in the poll and the sequence of such questions to the extent results of such questions were disclosed or to the extent that such questions were preparatory to the questions asked that were released and could accept influenced poll respondents answers to the poll questions released.
  5. The method of polling – whether by personal interview, phone, mail or other.
  6. The fourth dimension period during which the poll was conducted.
  7. The number of persons in the poll sample: the number contacted who responded to each specific poll question; the number of persons contacted who did not then respond.
  8. The results of the poll relative to the questions required to exist disclosed pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section.

§ 6204.i Specification of objections to designating and independent nominating petitions.

  1. Any person filing full general objections to any designating or independent nominating petition filed with the State Board of Elections who thereafter files specifications of his objections to any such petition with such board shall do so in accordance with the provisions of Section 6-154 of the Election Law. All such specifications shall essentially comply with the following requirements:
    1. The volume number, page number, and line number of whatsoever signature objected to on any petition shall be set forth in detail. In addition, whatsoever portion of whatsoever petition or any signature line or witness statement objected to shall be specifically identified and reasons given for any such objection;
    2. The full number of signatures objected to shall be set forth and all objections relating to a unmarried signature line should exist grouped together
    3. Symbols and/or abbreviations may exist used to set along objections, provided that a sheet explaining the meaning of any such symbols and/or abbreviations is attached to the specifications.
  2. No specifications of objections to any petition volition exist considered by the Lath unless the objector filing the specifications personally delivers or mails by registered or certified mail a duplicate copy of the specifications to each candidate for public office named on the petition. In the instance of a petition containing candidates for party position, service of the specifications shall be made on either the named candidates or the get-go person named on the petition's committee to fill vacancies. Service shall exist made on or before the appointment of filing of whatever specifications with the Lath.

    Proof of service shall back-trail the specifications or be received by the terminate of business 2 days following the filing of the specifications, whichever is later.

  3. Whatever find and/or decision relating to a petition for which specifications of objections have been filed shall be transmitted by the Board to the objector filing the specifications, provided that any such objector may designate an chaser or agent to receive any such observe and/or determination on his behalf. Any such designation shall be in writing and include the name, address and telephone number of any such attorney or agent, and any such attorney and/or agent shall be eligible to represent whatsoever such objector in whatsoever proceeding conducted past the Board relating to the specifications.

§6215.1 Rules for filing designating and nominating petitions.

  1. The sheets of a petition shall exist numbered sequentially at the pes of each sheet.
  2. All petitions containing x or more than sheets shall be accompanied by a embrace sheet.
  3. Any 2 or more petition sheets shall be securely fastened together by any means which will hold the pages together in numerical social club.
  4. Petition sheets may be fastened together to course 1 or more volumes.
  5. Individual volumes of a petition shall be filed in the following mode:
    1. With respect to petitions which are filed with the Board of Elections in the Urban center of New York, or petitions which are filed with other boards of elections containing candidates for more than 1 public or party office which are not coterminous, each volume of each petition shall acquit an identification number, to exist obtained in accordance with Section 6215.3, infra. The assigned identification number shall exist inscribed on the front of the volume. If an identification number has not been inscribed past the person or persons filing the petition, and the petition consists of multiple volumes, and so each book of the petition shall be separately numbered on the front thereof. Only i identification number may exist used to place a petition volume.
    2. Whatever Board of Elections outside the Urban center of New York may adopt a petition filing system for all petitions utilizing identification numbers as provided for in Section 6215.3. The Board may adopt such system through the blessing of a dominion at least two months prior to the first day to broadcast petitions. The rule shall be filed at the county lath of elections and the State Board of Elections.
    3. With respect to all other petitions which comprise ten or more sheets, each volume of the petition shall take a cover canvas secured to the forepart of such volume.

§6215.2 Cover Sheets

  1. A cover sheet shall incorporate the following information:
    1. The office and district number (where appropriate) for which each designation and nomination is being made, the proper noun and residence address of each candidate, and the number of volumes comprising the petition. The names and addresses of candidates for the county commission may exist set up forth, past assembly district (or, in the City of New York, by ballot district) on a schedule to exist annexed to the cover sail. Encompass sheets for the positions of county committee in the City of New York shall include, in addition to such schedule a list by ballot district of the identification numbers (if known) or the book number, and page number where such signatures announced for each ballot district.
    2. An identification of the volumes comprising the petition. When multiple volumes are filed pursuant to Section 6215.1(east)(ane) or (ii) of these rules, a single cover sheet may be filed with volumes identified by list the identification number of each volume either individually or cumulatively, and the total number of volumes in the petition. With respect to all other petitions filed in multiple volumes, each volume shall have a cover sheet which shall betoken the book number; such volumes shall be numbered sequentially and the cover sail from the outset book shall set along the total number of volumes comprising petition.
    3. A statement that the petition contains the number, or in excess of the number, of valid signatures, required past the Election Law.
    4. A identify for the optional designation of a contact person other than the candidate(due south) to exist notified to correct noncompliance with these regulations.
    5. Where a designating or independent nominating petition involves the Office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney Full general, State Comptroller, Member of the State Senate or Member of the State Associates, the encompass sheet shall incorporate a place for the optional designation of the official campaign website address information for posting on the Land Board of Elections' website pursuant to Ballot Law department 4–123. Any board of elections receiving such cover sheet or a dissever written notification pursuant to section 6215.9(b) of this Role, other than the State Board of Elections, shall transmit a copy of such comprehend sheet or carve up written notification to the Country Board of Elections within 3 concern days of its filing and such website addresses shall be posted by the Land board on its website as soon equally practicable.
  2. Encompass sheets shall be substantially in the class set along in Section 6215.8, infra.
  3. Where a designating petition involves an office to be filled by the voters of the entire state, the petition shall be accompanied by a schedule which sets forth the book and folio number of each canvass on which signatures announced of at least 100 or 5 per centum, which ever is less, of properly enrolled voters in each of at least half of the Congressional Districts of the state.
  4. Where a nominating petition involves an office to exist filled past the voters of the entire country, the petition shall exist accompanied by a schedule which sets forth the volume and page number of each sheet on which signatures appear of at least 500 voters in each of at least one-half of the congressional districts of the land.

§6215.3 Identification Numbers, application, distribution and utilization

  1. Identification numbers shall exist issued by the Land and Canton Boards of Elections, without charge, for the purpose of identifying petition volumes.
  2. The Land Lath shall assign a series of identification codes to each County Lath.
  3. Any person or persons, individually or jointly, may obtain one or more identification numbers, upon written awarding, from the Board of Elections. Individuals who do not wish to utilize for these numbers in advance will take them assigned to their petitions when they are submitted to the Lath of Elections in accordance with section 6215.6 (b) of these rules. Identification numbers may be used but within the calendar year for which issued.
  4. The Country Lath of Elections shall promulgate an identification number awarding form, which shall be used by any board of elections. The application shall gear up along:
    1. the name and residence accost of each applicant for the identification number;
    2. the daytime and evening telephone numbers for such bidder;
    3. the type of petition to be filed under the identification number (i.e., Designating, Nominating, Opportunity to Election);
    4. the date of the election;
    5. the Proper name of the Party or Independent Torso; and (six) the number of identification numbers requested. Each awarding shall be signed by each applicant and shall exist dated.
  5. Upon receipt of an awarding for an identification number, the Board shall forthwith issue the quantity of identification numbers requested, inscribe such numbers on the original application, and tape the numbers issued with the name and accost of the bidder in a book which shall be available for public inspection. In the event that an application is filed past multiple applicants, the Board shall record in the book only the name and address of the get-go-named bidder.
  6. An assigned identification number may be used for the filing of petition sheets but past the person to whom the identification number was issued. In the case of multiple applicants, the identification number may be used by whatever of the applicants.

§6215.four Multiple Candidates Named On a Petition

  1. All the signatures appearing in a petition book shall apply to all candidates named in that volume, unless the embrace sail specifies otherwise.
  2. In the event that the same candidates do non announced on each and every sheet of the petition, and so the cover canvas shall betoken which signatures use to which candidate, by indicating the name of the candidate, the identification number or the volume number, and the page number of the applicable signatures. Signatures on such pages may be identified by specified numerical ranges (due east.g., pages 1 through xv, pages xv-45).

§6215.5 Filing of petitions

  1. Neither the application for, nor the issuance of, an identification number constitutes filing of a petition.
  2. Petitions shall be filed with the applicable Board of Elections as set up forth in the Election Law. The officer or Board shall endorse the day, hour and minute of receipt on such petitions. Such officer or Board shall go along a book, which shall exist open to public inspection, in which shall be entered the proper name of the candidate, and volume or identification numbers of the petitions which accept been filed and the time of their filing.

§6215.6 Structure of rules; substantial compliance

  1. Except equally specifically ready forth herein, these rules shall be liberally construed and technical defects shall exist disregarded where there has been substantial compliance and where a strict construction is not required for the prevention of fraud.
  2. The failure to obtain an identification number or inscribe an identification number on one or more petitions or petition volumes shall not render any such petition or petition volume invalid. The officer or Lath receiving such petition or petition volume shall assign identification numbers to such petition or petition volumes, shall inscribe the identification number upon the petition or volume, and shall record the identification number of such petition or volume. In such instances, the person or persons submitting the petition or petition volume for filing shall be deemed to exist the applicant for the identification number, or in the issue the persons submitting the petition or petition volume, cannot be identified, the candidates named on the petition or petition book shall be deemed to be the applicant or applicants.

§6215.seven Determinations; cures pursuant to Section half dozen-134(2) of the Ballot Police force

  1. Within 2 (2) business organization days of the receipt of the petition, the Board with whom such petition was filed shall review the petition to determine whether the petition complies with the cover sheet and binding requirements of these regulations. Such review shall be limited to matters apparent on the face up of the documents. Such review, and such determination, shall be without prejudice to the determination past the Board of objections and specifications of objections filed pursuant to the provisions of the Ballot Law.
  2. In the event that, upon the review conducted pursuant to paragraph (a) above, the Board determines that a petition does not comply with these regulations, the Board shall forthwith notify the candidate or candidates named on the petition of its determination and the reasons therefore.
  3. Notification of a decision of noncompliance shall be given past written detect past depositing such detect on the twenty-four hour period of such conclusion with an overnight commitment service, for overnight delivery, on the next business twenty-four hours, or by personal commitment by the day subsequently the determination to the candidate or the contact person, if designated, at the address stated on the petition. Notification shall be given past overnight delivery or personal delivery only, unless the candidate shall take filed with the Lath written authorization, signed by the candidate, for the Board to requite notification by facsimile transmission. In the event that the candidate shall have authorized notification by facsimile transmission, then the Board shall notify the candidate or the contact person, if designated, by facsimile transmission on the twenty-four hours of the determination to the number set forth past the candidate and shall, in addition, post a copy of the determination to the candidate.
  4. A candidate may, within three (three) business organisation days of the date of a conclusion that the petition does not comply with these regulations, cure the violation of these regulations. Cover sheet deficiencies may be corrected by the filing of an amended cover sheet. Such cure or correction must be received past the Board of Elections no later than the third business organisation mean solar day following such determination.
  5. If the petition is one for an opportunity to election, and so the first named person on the committee to receive notices or applicant(south) for the identification number or numbers under which the petition was filed shall be deemed to be the "candidate" for purposes of subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) to a higher place.

Further Provisions

Please be enlightened that at that place may exist other requirements which may utilise to running for any particular office. These may include merely non be limited to:


  • The New York Land Ballot Police force requires candidates and political committees to file statements disclosing information about contributions received and expenditures made in connection with an election.

    The forms required to register a committee and to report receipts and disbursements, too every bit a comprehensive handbook of instructions, are available at the Land Board of Elections and your county Lath of Elections.

    View the Campaign Finance Page for more than information on financial disclosure requirements or contact the State Board of Elections at 1-800-458-3453 or 518-474-8200 or contact your county board of elections.

    For New York City offices, please contact the Campaign Finance Board for any additional requirements.

    For federal offices, delight contact the Federal Election Commission for whatever boosted requirements.

Hatch Human action

  • www.osc.gov
  • Call 1-800-85 HATCH

The Commission on Judicial Conduct

  • www.cjc.ny.gov
  • (646) 386-4800 - Master Role
  • (518) 453-4600 - Albany
  • (585) 784-4141 - Rochester

Judicial Campaign Ethics Middle

  • www.nycourts.gov/ip/jcec/
  • 1-888-600-JCEC

NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics

  • www.jcope.ny.gov
  • Call (518) 408-3976

Legislative Ideals Commission

  • legethics.ny.gov
  • Phone call (518) 432-7837

New York City Campaign Finance Board

  • www.nyccfb.info
  • Phone call (212) 409-1800

Federal Ballot Commission

  • www.fec.gov
  • Call (800) 424-9530


Source: https://www.elections.ny.gov/RunningOffice.html

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