Comic Book Strip Drawing Printable Free

My boys are all about the comic books at the moment.

I'm not even sure what started it, the big kids have been reading comics and graphic novels off and on for ages, and the little one loves them for all the cool pictures, but just recently the boys started making their own, and so I made them some printable comic book templates to help them along.

Free Printable Comic Book Templates! - get your kids creating, and writing with these great printables

I don't know what started their new found love of creating comics, but you can bet I am going to encourage it!

Comics are such a great way to encourage reading, writing and storytelling, and to work on all the skills needed to be a successful reader and writer. Plus they are loads of fun!

Today I was writing dictated captions to an angry bird comic strip written by Noah (aged four) before I had even had breakfast!

Free Printable Comic Book Templates! - get your kids creating, and writing with these great printables

Making comics is perfect for a pre-writer like Noah as he can tell his story in pictures, making him feel confident and capable. He can easily dictate captions for me to write for him, as he learns that words have power and meaning. And he can create images to go along with those words.

Free Printable Comic Book Templates! - get your kids creating, and writing with these great printables

Comics are also great for reluctant writers like my seven year old. He can get his story going with pictures before he writes even a single word which helps him sort out how the story will work, and clearly see that it needs a beginning, a middle, and an end. And because there is not much space for words he only needs to write short sentences and one word exclamations, not at all daunting for someone who says he 'hates writing'.

Free Printable Comic Book Templates

Of course if you are keen on making comic books, you need some printable comic book templates.

I've made two sets of comic book templates to share.

The first set has bigger and fewer spaces – good for smaller kids or artists who want to ad LOTS of details. This set has two pages with added speech bubbles and exclamations and two pages which just the spaces.

Free Printable Comic Book Templates!

You can download the larger set of printable comic book templates here.

The second set has smaller and more spaces – good for older kids and those that like to write lots of scenes into their stories. This set has two pages with added speech bubbles and exclamations and two pages which just the spaces.

Free Printable Comic Book Templates!

You can download the smaller set of printable comic book templates here.

We also made some extra pages with more speech bubbles, thought bubbles, exclamations and arrows. One page in black and white, the other with a few coloured pieces. You should have enough pieces to write even the most detailed comic!

Free Printable Comic Book Templates!

You can download the set of comic book extras here.

All the printables shared in this post are A4 sized pdf files, if you are printing on US 'letter sized' paper be sure to select 'fit' or 'shrink to fit' from your printer options.
The free printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

I hope this will start a fun comic craze in your house too!

Are you kids into comics?
What are some of their favourites?

I use a regular family inkjet printer to print the comic book pages. I print onto A4 copy paper, but you can use US 'Letter' sized paper, just make sure to select 'shrink to fit' from your printer options before you print. We used water based markers to add the details, but you could also print and laminate the pages so they can be used with a dry erase marker over and over.

Comic Book Strip Drawing Printable Free


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